Your Funny Friday Roundup: Talking Dogs

April 20, 2012

The end of the workweek is near and we like to give you some Friday laughs. It makes us happy. So, this week we’ve rounded up videos of talking dogs. Now, the term “talking” should be taken pretty lightly seeing as many of these dogs sort of gutturally push out what sounds like English words. In fairness, however, some pups are impressively close to saying actual sentences or singular words and even if it’s a bit of a mumble, it’s still completely adorable. Enjoy a variety of breeds saying things like “Mama” or “I love you” or trying their darndest to.(dog walking services nyc)

Here’s a hilarious roundup of various dogs saying various things. You’ll be impressed, we promise:

Does your dog say “Banana”? This one does.

Mishka the husky has quite the word bank to draw from.

Chatty little Bella says “I Love You” amongst a lot of other garble.

What a whiner!

This adorable French bulldog attempts to get a few words out.

Oscar the talking boxer sounds more like a cow than anything, but it’s still amazing.

Odie the pug made it onto David Letterman due to his amazing talking skills.

Domino the talking dog was featured on the BBC back in 1988. He say’s “I want one.”

Layla sounds like a scary demon is inside her trying to get out, while saying “Mama.”

Hagrid the giant, adorable Great Dane moans out “I Love You”

Hope we’ve brightened up your day!

Sources: All videos from YouTube. Main image via

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